E-mail: camiladuran at usp.br
Currículo Lattes
Tel: (11) 3111-4015


Camila Villard Duran is an Assistant Professor of Law at the University of São Paulo (USP, Brazil).  She was an Associate Fellow of the Oxford-Princeton Global Leaders Fellowship Program (GLF) run by the Global Economic Governance Programme at the University of Oxford and the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at the Princeton University (2014-2016). Camila was awarded her joint-Ph.D. degree in Law by the USP and the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2009-2012). She works on issues related to sociology of economic law, international economic law, regulation of money and finance and central bank swaps. Current works in progress: the international monetary system (IMS) and regional monetary regimes: the perspective of emerging countries in Latin American and Asia; the lenders of last resort in Brazil: how the diffusion of monetary authority impacted the national financial system in the post-2008; central bank currency swaps and the international power of national bureaucracies; legitimacy and accountability of central banks.

Áreas de Pesquisa

• Sociology of law
• Law, currency and financial regulation
• International economic law and policy
• Law and development